
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Driving With the General Public

It is highly recommended to look BOTH ways before you turn left onto a 2 way street.
Don't be like the dumb whore I cam across today who decided that she was only going to look to the right.  Luckily, I knew this retard had no intention of looking my way and I slowed down to a near stop.

Here's where it gets awesome.  When she was halfway through the turn, she looked my way, and saw my car just chillin there.  She freaked out and stopped her car.  Like that would have done any good if I was moving.  Great, now you've held me up even more.  Move along you damn idiot!
So she finally gets going again and my awesome fiancee gave her a thumbs up from the passenger seat for her excellent driving skills.

Ah, driving!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

You Thought You Had More Friends...

I hate this one because I really am a nice guy with actual feelings, so I have to have pity on you. 
You booked a party for your birthday for 30, and there are 8 people sitting in your room. 
Ok, that sucks.
For you and for us.  However, you didn't think about us when you made up 22 pretend friends in your head.  I mean, I feel like I have a pretty good idea of how many people would show up to a dinner I invited them to.  And It ain't 30, not even half that.  But at least I am honest with myself.  I'm not going to go book a room for 30, tie up all that space and 2 servers for a couple of hours on a busy ass night because I told some acquaintances about my dinner.  Plus, what looks worse for you, 8 people in a room of 30, or 8 people at a table for 10? 
You make yourself look like the biggest loser of all time. 
And we are left to pity you!  This is just as bad as seeing someone stood up on a date in the restaurant!