
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sit Down and Shut Up

I don't get this one.  We show this clown to his table last night and he says he wants a booth and points to a clean one, and the host says, "yes, we can go there".  Well, just so happens that he was NOT the only customer in the building, so at the same time, another hostess sat a different table at the booth the original clown had pointed to.  Well that switched this guy into 5-year-old mode.  "I wanted that one" he says as if he's talking about a red-orange Crayon.  He then proceeds to throw a little fit and sits at a different, perfectly fine booth with a pout on his face.

I bet his date was impressed.
He really showed us.  


  1. YES!!! I love this blog already... Keep 'em coming! I work in a restaurant, and I can definitely relate. (Although, I do admit, I prefer booths also, but I WAIT MY TURN and don't resort to "5-year-old mode" when I have to wait for a table.)

  2. Oh yes, I think most of us prefer booths, it's just that 90% of the world doesn't know how to use their words.
