
Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Cool, We Work In A Restaurant Too.

I love this one.  We are closing down the restaurant and it's just a few minutes before we lock the doors.  There are 2 tables paid up and ready to go and we're home free!  Then, out of nowhere comes this group of 4 twenty somethings that seem kind of normal.  I'm thinking, what is with that?!  Then they utter those words that seem to come around a little too often with these super late tables; "oh don't worry, we work in the industry, we know how it is".

Oh, ok, as long as you know you are being assholes, it's ok.  We completely understand.  And now we know you do too.  We'll put our smiles back on and take extra special care of some of "our own compadres".  Bullshit.  You might as well have not said anything at all.  You would have looked like less of a hypocritical dumbass.  I'd rather serve a drunk crackhead at 2 minutes before close than you assholes.

We're glad you "know how it is", and we think it's swell that you don't give a shit anyway.  Thanks bro!

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