
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Excuse You?!

This has been one of my pet peeves for a long, long time.  I was looking for some inspiration for my first post, and I immediately got it once this asshole crossed my path.

So I'm just minding my own business, sweeping the floor at the restaurant when, out of nowhere, comes this 20 something girl who has plenty of room to get by me anyway, but decides to say "excuse you" while walking past me.  She said it in a nice way though.  As nice of a way as you can say something as asinine as that. It didn't matter.

"Excuse you" is probably one of the worst things you can say to someone.  Even in conversation, when someone says "excuse you", your reaction is "oh shit, what did I say"?  However, when trying to get past someone and opening with that line, you are an instant bitch.  Nothing says asshole to me more than you walking around everywhere thinking you own the place and that everyone should get out of your way.  I understand if someone is being an ass and purposely not moving out of the way or something, but what is with people who just drop that line like it's okay?!  It's not.

So "excuse you" for being a fucking bitch.

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